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Fancy dress fun as Tikes & Tacklers break for the summer.

Fancy dress fun as Tikes & Tacklers break for the summer.

Ross Hallifax21 Jul - 19:07
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Up where they walk, up where they run Up where they stay all day in the sun Wanderin' free, wish I could be Part of that world - BHRFC

Our Tikes and Tacklers (pre school rugby programme foe.2-5 year olds) season draw to conclusion today.

As with previous seasons, we go fancy dress on the last session and our TnT team did not disappoint.

We had Pirates, Ghost Spiderman, Ariel, Messi, Chase from Paw Patrol, Iron Man, a Space person and a couple of Pokémon to boot.

The session was a blur of colour, character poses, web slinging, pirate running and other merriment.

All the players went home with a party pack and borrowed a ball to practice with their parents and siblings over the summer.

We would like to thank everyone who has taken part this season attending sessions at the club in the sunshine and the Burgess Hill Academy in the winter.

This season sessions have been led by the energetic coach Bobby who we thank for all his hard work, fun and enthusiasm.

TnT starts back again on Sunday 8th September at the club at 8:30am for 45 minutes.

Have a great summer!

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